Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Put A Strap On Golf Bag

Tom Tryzna, "Blady Niko"

Tom Tryzna was for me a kind of revelation. "Miss Nobody" was probably one of the first more "adult" books I've read in my life, and certainly the first to be me so much shocked. I do not remember if I had years when I came across it the first time - eleven? Twelve? - But since then the story of Mary remains for me one of the most important. I even feel that the older I get, the more important it becomes.
took me long to discover that Tryzna wrote something more, starting with "Miss Nobody," a kind of trilogy. "Go, love," read a year ago, a few old books, a few smarter-and maybe I expected that the second book Tryzny shake me, just as "Miss Nobody" shocked innocent dziewczątkiem, where I was. Perhaps this is why disappointed. Few at this time remember to "Go beyond the progressive ...", exasperation that the history of Romek not work for me as the fate of Maria's work. There was a whiff of something new, not miotnęło me against the wall. Oh, I read and forgot.
Perhaps this is why reading the "pale Niko" he hesitated. Foolishly I did, because if (I write this) does not grow on the debut of the author, is from "Go love" is much better. A very nice book to read quickly.
Yes, "nice." I did not think it would fit epithet for something that came from the pen of Tryzny, but still. The protagonist of "Niko" really can be like, what's more, it is just a normal guy who lives passionately. There is nothing in itself to rozchwianej, immature and childish Romek Mary (by the way, he IS Romek, only those x years later. For me those few years it came to health ...) Besides Tryzna resigned from describing the cruel world that lurks around the corner. What lurks in the Nika depends primarily on himself - he is the driving force of their fate. While Mary danced, played like her friend, a Roman was a kid, subordinate to their parents, Niko is a particular young man who, as happens in this century, while he knows and does not know what he wants. He knows that he wants to make movies that he wants to create a cinema. He does not know anything else. Not really knows how to deal with their own sexuality, how to deal with girls, how to achieve their ambitions. I raised including its lost-niezagubieniu very sympathetic. I am in any case, I liked him very much and I believe she can cope.
Tryzna departed from the proper mix for himself in the narrative of sleep and waking, reality and imagination. As I wrote - Niko is the individual young person, if it escapes into fantasy in order to consider the successive scenes in his film. The whole book is a kind of stream of consciousness, the events taking place in reality they are interrupted retrospectives, while Nick shows us his life, tell stories at your own pace. We meet his friends, parents, a sister city in which she lives, the pub, which is sometimes, a girl with whom he associated, whether for five minutes or five weeks. Learning PRLowską Swidnica, seen through the eyes of an ambitious teenager. And yet, despite the fact that here there is human evil, cruelty, and stupidity, it is primarily we see that Nick loves to live. At this point, at that time, among these people. Because Niko just loves what he does. And doing what is his life.
"Miss Nobody", "Go, Love" and "Pale Niko" has been hailed as "a trilogy of children." And yes, "Niko" as the most suitable for the closure of this series. The hero is one foot in childhood, the other in adulthood, but after looking ahead and believes in what he sees. He must leave behind the uncertainty, the vagaries, dependence on others. For Nika begins a new stage of life. I'll be rooting for him in it.


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