are such books. But "fear" not one of them.
For the first fifty pages of this book, I felt really sick. I did not know whether or survive to the end. And then the expression of horror on his face began to give way to discouragement and irritation.
Gross is controversial. Why? Thus, he writes things uncomfortable for the Poles, contrary to general opinion. The problem is that Gross is a demagogue. On the face of everything I write, appear to have arms and legs. There is a mass of footnotes and citation of sources that make believe in the integrity of the author. And here we will be very confused, because Gross is not completely reliable. Started writing the "Fear" with a ready argument, and proceeds from the assumption that if the facts do not agree with it, so much the worse for the facts.
Sometimes I had the impression that the author lives in a world where no one would not kill anyone, so if the Poles do not hate Jews. Hello, Mr. Gross, time to wake up. People are capable of terrible things. Yes, the Poles killed Jews. Yes, the Germans killed Jews. Moreover, Germany killed the Poles, Germans kill the Germans, the Poles Poles, Jews and the Jews. People have it to yourself, that sometimes killed, the most inexplicable reasons. This in no way justifies the murders in Kielce and Jedwabne. But generalizing in the style of Gross is not the pride of the researcher. The author in general have forgotten that not only Jews suffered after World War II. Of course, their fate has experienced extremely cruel, given the Holocaust. But the presentation of historical background, conditions of that period - the murders of non-Jews, general chaos, disrupt the structure, incompetence of the authorities - now the developer is not interested. As a sociologist should be aware of the mechanisms taking place in society, that everywhere there are people good and bad, of how screwed up the mechanism of violence ... Meanwhile, Gross with a full deliberately absurd slanders one way, while all the other whitening. He writes as if the title "Fear" related only to Jews, which is simply other factors.
As sociologist and the far future żydofilkę, this book just hurts me. The methodology here is quiet and pokwikuje. It is not only bad history book - it is also very mediocre sociological position. Apparently
"Fear" was to awaken thought and cause frank conversation. I do not know whether the author of this opinion at all read this item. "Fear" is not an invitation to dialogue. On the contrary, gives rise to resentment, hostility and stereotyping. Gross
not only condemn the murderers, it condemns the passivity of the population. From today's point of view, it is very easy, sitting comfortably in a chair and sipping tea, a lavish and blare the judgments of morality. Except that no one knows how he would have survived. Finally, we know so much about yourself, how many of us checked. While the murderers of Jews deserve unequivocal condemnation, it does not know in chambul condemn people who looked passively on the Holocaust and remained helpless, doing nothing. Extreme conditions force the primary instincts, one of the key is to try to save their own lives. There may be required from each of heroism.
Gross is right, it seems very easy to hate fruit. It's just that his book is certainly not contribute to the eradication of hatred. Truth liberates, but Gross does not represent the truth.
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