Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Virtue Theory And Abortion Hursthouse Weak

Miau Miau ... .. Disappearing

"What is it all about? ... Good memory ..." Gobas

I had to write a note. About shogunie 2 (ie the game), that cool, it sucks and that my computer still crashes, faster or slower but it crashes.

I had to write a note about Harry Potter (Lego, this game is), that cool, it sucks and that it went through story mode and I have only 40% complete!

I had to write about the fact that the sect (read work, is not that game) is a lot of work, well I know and what else there is to be. But somehow a lot lately so strangely to this nonsense, and sometimes (but this is my subjective impression).

I had to write that in total, recently returned to the drawing, which is true of the portraits and still life drawing is a less common, more of a comic book, a straight line and silly content.

I write that I was yesterday on the grill and objadłem like a pig (or two), and that it was warm and fun.

I write that I saw yesterday that my apartment Sis ręcami szfagier own finishes. And that estimate because a large gathering jaw off the floor. Although not yet finished it all planned in great detail and lovingly (in a positive sense) as well.

I had to write that last book I read less because somehow for any I do not want to take. Only certain imc Dracula drew me so much with him as soon as I finish (yes I know shame that only now I read it.)

I write ... but I do not want to and not in writing. O and so.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Forum Streaming Salieri


"Let the bunny will bring you a present what they most desire. That 'something' may not be visible or tangible, can not even smell bad, but let it be that, without which you can not live."
I wish you the grace of the Risen Christ and the joy of Christmas.
Evanna Black.

And now, praise the basket. This year we have prepared everything herself, So just gotta! add these photos. ^ ^

noteworthy three chickens.
interior itself is irrelevant, so do not be watching, please.

Easter! Next year I'll do some in the theme ... Well, or the like. xd

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Put A Strap On Golf Bag

Tom Tryzna, "Blady Niko"

Tom Tryzna was for me a kind of revelation. "Miss Nobody" was probably one of the first more "adult" books I've read in my life, and certainly the first to be me so much shocked. I do not remember if I had years when I came across it the first time - eleven? Twelve? - But since then the story of Mary remains for me one of the most important. I even feel that the older I get, the more important it becomes.
took me long to discover that Tryzna wrote something more, starting with "Miss Nobody," a kind of trilogy. "Go, love," read a year ago, a few old books, a few smarter-and maybe I expected that the second book Tryzny shake me, just as "Miss Nobody" shocked innocent dziewczątkiem, where I was. Perhaps this is why disappointed. Few at this time remember to "Go beyond the progressive ...", exasperation that the history of Romek not work for me as the fate of Maria's work. There was a whiff of something new, not miotnęło me against the wall. Oh, I read and forgot.
Perhaps this is why reading the "pale Niko" he hesitated. Foolishly I did, because if (I write this) does not grow on the debut of the author, is from "Go love" is much better. A very nice book to read quickly.
Yes, "nice." I did not think it would fit epithet for something that came from the pen of Tryzny, but still. The protagonist of "Niko" really can be like, what's more, it is just a normal guy who lives passionately. There is nothing in itself to rozchwianej, immature and childish Romek Mary (by the way, he IS Romek, only those x years later. For me those few years it came to health ...) Besides Tryzna resigned from describing the cruel world that lurks around the corner. What lurks in the Nika depends primarily on himself - he is the driving force of their fate. While Mary danced, played like her friend, a Roman was a kid, subordinate to their parents, Niko is a particular young man who, as happens in this century, while he knows and does not know what he wants. He knows that he wants to make movies that he wants to create a cinema. He does not know anything else. Not really knows how to deal with their own sexuality, how to deal with girls, how to achieve their ambitions. I raised including its lost-niezagubieniu very sympathetic. I am in any case, I liked him very much and I believe she can cope.
Tryzna departed from the proper mix for himself in the narrative of sleep and waking, reality and imagination. As I wrote - Niko is the individual young person, if it escapes into fantasy in order to consider the successive scenes in his film. The whole book is a kind of stream of consciousness, the events taking place in reality they are interrupted retrospectives, while Nick shows us his life, tell stories at your own pace. We meet his friends, parents, a sister city in which she lives, the pub, which is sometimes, a girl with whom he associated, whether for five minutes or five weeks. Learning PRLowską Swidnica, seen through the eyes of an ambitious teenager. And yet, despite the fact that here there is human evil, cruelty, and stupidity, it is primarily we see that Nick loves to live. At this point, at that time, among these people. Because Niko just loves what he does. And doing what is his life.
"Miss Nobody", "Go, Love" and "Pale Niko" has been hailed as "a trilogy of children." And yes, "Niko" as the most suitable for the closure of this series. The hero is one foot in childhood, the other in adulthood, but after looking ahead and believes in what he sees. He must leave behind the uncertainty, the vagaries, dependence on others. For Nika begins a new stage of life. I'll be rooting for him in it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Imagenes Del Culote De Jennifer Lopez

Jonathan Littell, "loving"

Mleczko was a picture: cat standing over the victim and crying because his bid to murder, and his metaphysics goes, beauty, poetry. This is more or less the main character - and the narrator - "gracious" Littell, books, which sharpened the claws long, because the volume, because the subject, because the controversy ... I can not tell me to be disappointed, but. Yeah, but.

Since we started with the main character of this topic is a pull. Reminded me of the executioner Mleczko, because the Nazi criminal, member of the SS, note, not a monster! He thinks! Feels! Is educated! Suprajz, suprajz. That is, by the way, an interesting treatment from Littell - Aue is highly reluctant to set the whole idea of \u200b\u200bthe Holocaust. I do not like him, as the Germans refer to the Jews. Does not correspond to his disregard other people (well, for Auego Jews are not pets - they are human beings), receiving his basic human needs like food and warmth. But, ironically, is the second Oscar Schindler or any other "good German." Aue, reluctantly he reluctantly agrees to Endlösung in the name of German citizenship. Our narrator even regrets what Germany has to move, to ensure the victory of National Socialism. But hey, the end justifies the means. Even when trying to coerce subordinates Aue, to give the prisoners food or hot clothing does not do it with a noble heart reflex - the prisoners are workers, they have to build a great crowd, so they should be kept in good repair as to be imparted to something. Those who can no longer work, you must kill - it's sad, but necessary, the Germans have to dirty their hands with blood that utopia could win. This is a definite plus in this book - Aue is not a monster, and is not a good man. Is a martinet, a German, as well as admirer of philosophy, literature and music. His unfulfilled dream is to play the piano. And hard to reconcile with the fact that instead of playing, he must shoot the subhuman. It is worth noting that he never finds that he did terrible things - his "confession" takes place after many years, but it has no remorse or guilt. This is what he did, for it is still valid.

addition Aue is gay (just to ...), which probably serves to standing out, that was not such an ideal Aryan type. Finally, for homosexuality too went to the gas. Aue is therefore an outsider, and while it is not. I have to appreciate such a character design, build it with contradictions.

problem with the character and lies in the fact that, if not his numerous deviations and the collapse of the background of war, would be deadly dull Aue. Apparently something is educated and thought, but in fact mean very little. In other words - the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction was good, but the result came out a guy who mainly tudziez puking and having sex from time to time moaning that he has screwed.

author must admit that did their homework properly. You can see that freely moves in the topic of World War II, matters of the Third Reich and SS structures. Sometimes all too freely - from time to time a few pages could easily jump over, because I share a litany of changes subsequent steps in the army and descriptions of organizational structures, and the reader remains unoriented muzzy and wonders where she ran the story. As a consolation gets appended to the end a glossary of terms related to the Third Reich and the list of degrees in the SS, but a horse with a row of ago, who wants to jump every time at the end of the book and locate the word - I is not really wanted, not like every now and then stop reading .

book is over 1000 pages and it is unfortunately not an advantage. As the epic, to which the "loving" aspire, it is rather inelegant style. Littell, unfortunately, not able to kidnap moments pretty good literature turn suddenly in a rather unpleasant scribbler, which in turn transforms into the long side rather fine writing. Lacks drama, painterly, momentum - Littell could teach even the lightness of feathers from the familiar Sapkowski. There are scenes that make very good impression, but others simply read and then the reader realizes that they probably had somehow affected him. Littell clearly trying to experiment, there is a lot dream-like passages, some surrealism, extremely fond of naturalism and once it comes out it better and sometimes worse. For example: a few dreams, the hero of the story was necessary, a few have been thrown on a lower than przyłatał pinned.

I appreciate the very aptly, in my opinion, and consequently led to the establishment of Greek mythology. The title is obviously loving Furies who pursued Orestes' matricide. This is one of the strongest in this book, but I personally love to get this type.

From what I wrote above, someone could come to the conclusion that "loving" does not deserve more attention. Not at all. I would not call them epic, I would not call great literature, but is a solid (literally) a decent piece of fiction, which can sometimes weary, but it really sucks and often read it with bated breath. On the one hand, we astonish abomination, which may in some way to hypnotize the other - try to answer the question which is repeated like an echo from World War II - why? whether in fact these people are people dealt this fate? Littell does not propose any revolutionary solution for us, I even feel that fails to respond. I guess he Aue, engrossed in their mental problems, does not know what really happens. Maybe the answer is required from the reader. And you try to respond to it, reaching this position. Despite their - many, I will not say - flawed "loving" I would call almost a must for someone who enjoys what such familiarity in the contemporary literature. This powerful 1000 pages of hell and the devil, who, after all it is a creature of God.

How Much Does Warped Tour Tickets Cost?

Jan T. Gross, "Fear"

are some books that are crushing. They receive the breath, causing tears in his eyes, drives his hands tremble.
are such books. But "fear" not one of them.
For the first fifty pages of this book, I felt really sick. I did not know whether or survive to the end. And then the expression of horror on his face began to give way to discouragement and irritation.
Gross is controversial. Why? Thus, he writes things uncomfortable for the Poles, contrary to general opinion. The problem is that Gross is a demagogue. On the face of everything I write, appear to have arms and legs. There is a mass of footnotes and citation of sources that make believe in the integrity of the author. And here we will be very confused, because Gross is not completely reliable. Started writing the "Fear" with a ready argument, and proceeds from the assumption that if the facts do not agree with it, so much the worse for the facts.
Sometimes I had the impression that the author lives in a world where no one would not kill anyone, so if the Poles do not hate Jews. Hello, Mr. Gross, time to wake up. People are capable of terrible things. Yes, the Poles killed Jews. Yes, the Germans killed Jews. Moreover, Germany killed the Poles, Germans kill the Germans, the Poles Poles, Jews and the Jews. People have it to yourself, that sometimes killed, the most inexplicable reasons. This in no way justifies the murders in Kielce and Jedwabne. But generalizing in the style of Gross is not the pride of the researcher. The author in general have forgotten that not only Jews suffered after World War II. Of course, their fate has experienced extremely cruel, given the Holocaust. But the presentation of historical background, conditions of that period - the murders of non-Jews, general chaos, disrupt the structure, incompetence of the authorities - now the developer is not interested. As a sociologist should be aware of the mechanisms taking place in society, that everywhere there are people good and bad, of how screwed up the mechanism of violence ... Meanwhile, Gross with a full deliberately absurd slanders one way, while all the other whitening. He writes as if the title "Fear" related only to Jews, which is simply other factors.
As sociologist and the far future żydofilkę, this book just hurts me. The methodology here is quiet and pokwikuje. It is not only bad history book - it is also very mediocre sociological position. Apparently
"Fear" was to awaken thought and cause frank conversation. I do not know whether the author of this opinion at all read this item. "Fear" is not an invitation to dialogue. On the contrary, gives rise to resentment, hostility and stereotyping. Gross
not only condemn the murderers, it condemns the passivity of the population. From today's point of view, it is very easy, sitting comfortably in a chair and sipping tea, a lavish and blare the judgments of morality. Except that no one knows how he would have survived. Finally, we know so much about yourself, how many of us checked. While the murderers of Jews deserve unequivocal condemnation, it does not know in chambul condemn people who looked passively on the Holocaust and remained helpless, doing nothing. Extreme conditions force the primary instincts, one of the key is to try to save their own lives. There may be required from each of heroism.
Gross is right, it seems very easy to hate fruit. It's just that his book is certainly not contribute to the eradication of hatred. Truth liberates, but Gross does not represent the truth.

Wolfgang Gawantka Kaiser Porcelain


My love affair with blogging is long and the stormy and very ancient times, when I was closer to the neo rooshoffego child than a smart young woman oczytanej. Here and there the network is still the prevalence of selected pieces, which I would prefer to forget. But recently I found that I miss the space used for intellectual masturbation, which could prove so-so and the whole world that what is not me. Mainly I'm going to play in the review books, but it may be a result of that I had to realize in writing or on other topics;)
So we begin this fun and see what will come of it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Make Ear Cuffs For Pierced Ears

girl right back in the grip of frost

Sweet Comments

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blue Blazer Dark Brown Pants

on fast!

Therefore, a total lack of time will serve you some old stuff and maybe something new (as far as I am compiling.)
But anyway I love you! *
Ps. I know I speak into the air. xd

Any-thing drawn on the lessons of the Polish language.

cover of the book on the math (this year)

Front ...

... and the back of a notebook last year.

Bye, bye. * Evanna