Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pokemon Sapphire Online Emulator


Clearly, the last in my average in reading and even watching. Since the session is fast approaching, I feel compelled to pretend that I'm learning. Pretending to be manifested by a reduction in useful and enjoyable activities (reading, watching), and the increased number of acts and senseless waste of time for (solitaire, skipping through the pages, online games). From time to time I bake it and clean up.
Once I return, but for now I managed to find a really great movie and it just would be a sin not to write about him.

Imagine that you are doomed for life with a man of whom do not know anything. Imagine that you take with him the wedding just because the only alternative would be to a marriage with a person who inspires you pure disgust. Imagine that you are trying to love this person or at least make friends with her, trying to live in peace, but your attempts and intentions are broken through the wall of coldness and indifference of breaking world from your life companion. Imagine that you sank already in depression, when everything stopped zobojętniało and count, the other person suddenly bursts into flaming you sensation, making the storm Your minimum sense of order and balance. What remains? Cold window sill under the bare feet and the space beneath it.
In such a situation, she is, a minor title, the film by Mariusz Trelinski. The painting was of course based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, "Gentle." I read the original several years ago and I remember that made a huge impression on me, but I remember it so poorly that they do not intend to compare the film to him. In addition, it is not really necessary, Trelinski great movie of arms as separate works. His
(Janusz Gajos) know where the bodies of her watches (Dominica Ostałowska), his young wife. He wonders what pushed the woman to commit suicide, what is his fault, he could do better? The problem is that the answer is: everything.
"Gentle", after talks with no agreement, the terrifying loneliness, a sense of hopelessness and fear. Here are all alone. He, an old bachelor, a wealthy but very stingy, who had a difficult past, closed to the world outside, in contact with another man. Very reserved, very cool, very tense. She's delicate, lovely, quiet, never knew love, and her only confidant is a maid (Danuta Stenka), which also does not understand it yet. The young woman, looking at the world the great, glittering eyes, which hides the enormity of grief. Those two, in fact, desperately want to find in each other that for so long for the - understanding, confidence, peace of mind. But I still go by, do not know how to rip in time, are too proud and shut up, to draw hands to himself. At the happy end no chance - he is left alone, staring at her cold body, recounting how bought (sic) it from my aunts, and dreamed that it be treated well, and finally, how to love. The very short episodic scenes are devoted to the characters that she has encountered in its path. Would-be lover, a doctor and the maid will be seated in front of the camera, giving the impression that they testify before the investigators and try to answer the question why? What really happened? No response. Mild
Sonechka reminded me at times with "Crimes and penalties ", this life is constantly being destroyed, cichutką, modest girl, which in some way after all he despised Raskolnikov. But Sonia had asked for the life of Raskolnikov's ray of hope, love, goodness and faith, and yet the man finally learned to love and respect. A minor is not able to save him, or he is unable to save her. In their dark and difficult life there is no person who were to bring joy, hope and faith. She is Sonia devoid of illusions. Sonia, whom he eventually defeated the world, which no longer has power for nothing.
"Mild" is a very modest cost picture, a bit like television drama. The action comes barely two rooms where he lives. Even if the characters will be elsewhere, and quickly return to the stuffy, dark claustrophobic spaces, as if they could not stand the light. Words play a very small role, they say little, and sparingly, and most express a view, curvature of the lips, move your head.
"Mild" is a masterpiece of acting. Gajos is in a class by itself, and here is the peak form. Ostałowska him one bit does not clear, in her beautiful, sad, quiet Mild simply believes. Actors is short, but their episodes are great as usual Stenka Frycz and Peszek. It is worth noting Krystyna Feldman, the actress who played his entire life episodic roles ("the lady in the tram," "saleswoman"), by the end of life shine in "Nikiforze.
"People are alone in the world, the silence around them" - says, looking at the camera Gajos in the final. World "Gentle" is a world without God, without a higher power that would have people cared. Nobody can help us, we will not give a signal, no one save. Following her was only silence, interrupted by his muffled sobs.
Recently 'Gentle' is often aired on Canal +, so I recommend to those who will be able to, watched. If only to see that the Polish cinematography can make great videos, poignant, heart-catching, haunting.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Model Ship Sales Toronto

Beautiful weather Graphics & More

Friday, May 20, 2011

Uncensored Body Waxing

Fortunately, the rabbit was still alive, and even a little it has improved quite well but still is not. In general, it is even good, except of course Ninucha disease. Writing in the internet cafe is very cool. Since I do not have Internet at home watching television a lot and even I found out, although recently three years in general did not watch - the only program Szczuka. Now, mostly I'm interested in Animal Planet programs, and there on the police for animals (in the U.S. and South Africa), "British safari" and stuff. Sometimes even the series on surykatkach can be viewed ... I also like CNN usually has nothing to do with Poland, which is why I like it. For half a year it was only once, at the beatification of Pope. They said: "devotic catholic country under comunism regime" or something like that:). (I mean this regime is that the Pope's life). We were even before William and Kate. No but it's so, totally different information than us, better presented and especially as it was an earthquake in Japan, where everything was made better. Most shocking was the call by skype with his family from Tokyo, where the child was born the day after the quake, and when the water was Radioactive they could not leave because the child was only 11 days and was too small for the trip. It confuses them in bottled water from a supermarket. Or visit a school in Japan, where he was rescued a cat and an old woman, who fled on the bike before the wave. Polish TV somehow frightens me, sometimes I watch "Maya in the garden" Martyna Wojciechowska movies and "Meteomaniaka" in TVN Meteo and it's still somehow I can not stand. Sometimes I watch new episodes of "Sex and the City" on Comedy Central, but lately I've seen so hopeless that the episode probably stop. Carrie talks stripped of its engagement, and then he sees the horse and says that she is too uncontrollable for Biga like a horse or something like that, anyway żenada. Or, as she had an affair with Piotrowski and wore a red bra and felt boots, why everything is so schematic, how to write a textbook series? Will you still need the U.S.? Shoot me.

also watching Eurosport, Justine in the winter and now sports and the Giro d `Italia. Nice is also a program for policemen in TV4-they grab people by the FC and the last is one of the programs that I like most.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yahoo Tracking Cookies


On Sunday night he began to stagger Ninuch and lose power in the legs and on Monday morning already could not take a step and threw him in a cage. In tears I took him to the hospital, convinced him that I was going to sleep. But it turned out that he could survive, was there at the hospital and is now back home and I need him to do injections. All the time still does not move well but the main thing that may be where he wants, sees, knows how to put yourself, eat and wash. The worst comes to it slowed down the jump. It was fortunate that the clinic is next to me. Apparently he has a protozoan in the brain. Rabbits often are, and it is sickly.
I'm terribly sorry but I did what I could to help him. I can not imagine life without him ... Even if I bought a honey:). But I still hope that he recovers.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

International Colouring System Chart

The notes are what everyone sees ...

Lectures on the study are divided into:
- Interesting
- absorbing
- Boring
- Deadly dull

interesting cause you listen with interest. Absorbing think because it is difficult or a lot of quotations. At something dull note, but without exaggeration. On the terminally boring fight the sleepiness.

the terminally dull I can not sleep, or read books. Somehow I felt stupid because I usually sit down to sleep (as myope) in close rows. And I do not read books because it is a complete lack of respect. Well, sometimes even deadly boring thing to record.
So then usually on the back notebook or a draw between notes. Sometimes there szlaczki bazgrze some time something else. Often, even the interesting lectures to mark something important draws a cartoon character that indicates an important part of saying 'important', etc..

decided to perpetuate his "works":) It
photos from the past few days:

First English . Guided say that "so-so" ...

tab at the beginning of the course:

During the course my opinion about this that will be well started change:

Econometrics, in principle, there was no time for drawing, it was just on the scroll. Rabbit with Nice Day drawn just to send it via MMS:)

Well, come to the most "prolific" object. Will omit the name. Basically this was deadly dull, but it was not too much to take notes. So what would a pen will not get bored ...

the Rabbit series, generally the first picture below is the first in a Rabbit series. The first three were drawn in almost a second between the notes.

Professor said just about the last crisis. If someone does not know what's going to let him look at Google's Uncle: Tey + Crisis.

Ot drawing:

Rabbit sent to his wife:)

Ot hilarity:

drew alongside colleague trees and woods in your book. I do not know why I came immediately to mind zombie teddy bears ...

Further develop the theme. I do not know how it is to be shared with above ...

This drawn specifically for the Forest Dziadu :

And now ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Notified If Tag Removed

"Water for Elephants"

To see the "Water for Elephants" actually encouraged me two things - nicely done, picturesque trailer and Christoph "Landa" Waltz in one of the major roles. I frightened away by Robert "Edward" Pattinson. I had the idea that in the moments when the screen will appear in the teen idol to close my eyes, but a little would prevent me to perceive the movie as it plays a major role Pattinson. However, have found that I like elephants, I decided that I think most of England and went.
story: it is the son of Polish immigrants, a certain Jacob Jankowski, who dreams of becoming a veterinarian. So unfortunate that on his examination at the end of study parents were gracious to leave this vale of tears and despair (after the termination of the three points, all in Polish. dueciku The mother spoke only pure Polish, which led me to wonder whether it was really a problem employment for two lines of a Pole?), which makes Jacob moves in the world, depressed, lonely, and no idea of \u200b\u200blife. Puffs to a traveling circus in which starts throwing faeces of lions and ends up as a trainer of the new acquisition, it is słonicy Rosie. The acquisition was to be a gift from the director of the circus (Waltz), for his wife, trick (Witherspoon), but that turns out to be dumb as a shoe and resistant to dressage. Director played by Waltz is the mildest and most gentle man on earth, so elephant is slightly screwed, because the guy is fond of using a sharp rod. But no - it turns out that the Polish plague come everywhere. Pattinson discovers that the elephant understands Polish (Edzio pretending that he speaks Polish is one of the major emphases of this humorous movie.) And everything seems to fall into place, so that Jacob begins to think head and not his head and flies Marlene, wife of the director. And that, as mentioned, the director is not particularly forgiving, the atmosphere is getting tense.
I must admit that Pattinson pleasantly surprised me. No, he is not a good actor. But how do you not focus on the fact that intensive sparklić, it turns out pretty nice wood, not wood is not for viewing. Stiff like a stick is swallowed, but not particularly annoyed, and when it goes Nieporęt Pole (not with us the numbers, Bruner), is almost rozczulający. Witherspoon disappointing, pretty as a picture and acting chiefly as ornaments - a game without conviction. Between two main characters for my taste should feel the chemistry, naughty erotic tension (do not read books, do not know if it was really about it, perhaps had for the feeling of pure and innocent as a lily), and in the meantime if there words, the viewer would have a problem with noticing that something is happening (I invite those countries to the tutor to Laurie and Edelstein from "House MD"). Waltz is the best, but sometimes gives the impression of a little lost, though not quite know what there doing and what he wants from him. I preferred him in his role in Tarantino's Landy. Or maybe you just in the "Water for Elephants" is too indistinct. As a result, the best game for the elephant Rosie and her worth to choose the movie (it's almost not a joke).
I have a feeling that the director wanted to "Water for Elephants" to make an ambitious film full of momentum and something along the way did not work out. That means the momentum is like most, this film is the image of a very picturesque and aesthetically. The problem is that this ambition is very superficial, and from under her tenacity and painfully crawling Holiłud. The story is predictable and the ending obvious from the beginning (again, perhaps the fault of the book). I missed a very good, expressive music, which in this kind of film would be very useful, but for me it lasted an eternal silence.
Let there be no doubt - I left the theater rather amused, and even those sixteen gold does not regret. If you like Waltz, elephants and big cats, and at the same time not adjusted to a great experience, you can go see and play rather decently. It's just that "Water for Elephants" has the ambition to be great cinema, and with this a little over.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bachelor Parties In The Dells

terrible disease

I'm fascinated by a terrible little girl and it seems to me that I find myself in it. Well, it comes to bridesmaid to the wedding of William and Kate. I watched it, either whole or in English, because in the Polish television were such comments as familiar rasp knife on glass. Then another evening of that day The girl was shown on CNN in this special circle. She stood on the balcony and screamed all the time and covered the ears, when William kissed Kate. Very I like this behavior and that the child does not behave like an angel educated. This is terrible of the aristocracy, I learned about it from the "Fakt", which bought the mom: (. There is even how it's called but I forgot now ... I loved the wedding, I watched it in the pajamas with my cat on his lap. Especially cool were the trees in the cathedral, and would like to see a movie about them, then what they did with them, and how this was a genre. In general, this cathedral is very beautiful, but I was never in it. But there is something and that is why they plant a tree fit there. I guess I should now see some films of Ken Loach, so it was not that I'm daft rojalistką. And my mom always said that the queen is similar to our grandmother Sophia.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hairy Tongue And Metronidazole


who zdziełałem to banerka teams for Blood Bowl.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Milfhunter May 2 2011

Hugh Laurie, "The Gun Seller"

Hugh Laurie would be clone. The guy is wildly handsome, has a great talent for acting, singing is very good, apparently is also a good athlete. And for this, as it turns out, knows how to write. The gods descend to earth, or what?
Do "Arms Dealers" approached very skeptical. I do not believe the people of the Renaissance, died along with Leonardo da Vinci. Actors should not be directing. The actors generally do not need to sing. Actors, God forbid, they should not write books. With such tendencies come out of puppy love. Meanwhile, it appears that I am a man of little faith. I beat their breasts and sprinkle ashes. "The Gun Seller" is a very decent thriller. Thomas Lang
know when he ordered the murder of a person to accept an offer to Lang. Also decides to warn the victim and thereby hopes to close this matter and not come back to it more. Unfortunately, this would seem a short ball turns his life upside down. Since then, must be very careful, because the world turns out to be full of guys who would prefer to see him six feet under ground.
Laurie leads the reader through the action of his very complicated plot with admirable verve. Not boring, not tired. Throws jokes of his sleeve (the famous English sense of humor may seem strange to some and a positive, but I'm a fan!), Playing customs observations. The characters are
draw a thick line and they are human beings of flesh and blood. Lang's impossible to dislike - it is brilliant, brave, funny. Apparently some are associated with some zgryźliwym doctor from New Jersey, but I believe that this comparison clash. Lang, in any event, Dr. House is not and should not be expected of him. It is not so smart, and while it is not at all bitter. It is a normal guy. Do not fully understand the disappointment at the fact - I think it's very good that Lang Lang. It is in no way should make the reader is not interested in him.
first part of the book is excellent, totally addictive, and read it with bated breath. Unfortunately, in the second part of the action, something strange happens - performs a violent turn, and the reader is dumbfounded and wondering what had happened. I do not know until the end of which it arises, but in my opinion, this second part is much weaker than the first, I felt as though Lauriemu suddenly ran out of poweru.
This book is certainly not ideal, it is not too great literature. Oh, good, light novel for a few nights. Perhaps no longer will be made in memory, but will provide nice company for some time. In any case, I am confirmed in the belief that Laurie is not a man, because it's really unfair that one man fell to so much talent.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Subwoofers Almani S7-12

How to recognize the plants, Episode 12B

"In the past, Christmas has always sang love serenades, pounding the blunt tools of his head. "
Mr Professor PT Patafian.

's plants have on our wonderful trip the previous day, we learned to recognize:

Number 1


Number 2


Number 1


Number 37

Old Ent

Number 3


Number 4

slightly younger Ent

number 13

Kfiatus Predatoris

Number 1


And now for something completely different:

Number 1

Edmund journey into the unknown

Today's program sponsored cyferką 1 and the words Monty, rhododendron , Python and Larch.

Photos of the Botanical Garden of Academy of Powsin courtesy of Professor PT Gumby.