FF: fortune.
traveled Bella Swan's school playground thinking about plans for the coming Friday night. A few days ago along with Kate and Sophie, her best friends, agreed to arrange for overnight in one of them. Unfortunately, the plans lay in ruins. Kate had to leave for the funeral of his distant aunt. Sophie was at the disposal at any time, but not overnight in the two seemed to be too attractive. Bell also had to admit that sometimes I am frightened friend. One very cold afternoon, the girl told her that he can make contact with spirits, and sometimes see them in different places.
traveled Bella Swan's school playground thinking about plans for the coming Friday night. A few days ago along with Kate and Sophie, her best friends, agreed to arrange for overnight in one of them. Unfortunately, the plans lay in ruins. Kate had to leave for the funeral of his distant aunt. Sophie was at the disposal at any time, but not overnight in the two seemed to be too attractive. Bell also had to admit that sometimes I am frightened friend. One very cold afternoon, the girl told her that he can make contact with spirits, and sometimes see them in different places.
- 'Uhh ... What I imagine, after all, nothing like that exists. Neither the ghosts, werewolves, or, or vampires. But could it be Sophie was lying? Probably not, it does not like. "
This silent monologue was interrupted by a cry of "Bella, feet and hit the ball in the stomach on a background strong that tumbled her feet.
-What the hell is that?! - Slightly confused, got up from the ground trying to gather his books.
-And what is that? Football. We play volleyball. You may join? - It was Eric, a boy with whom walked together on the algebra. He helped her pick up things and then repeated the question. Colleagues behind him threw him a hostile look and whistled loudly. The whole school knew about all sorts of possibilities Belli games and sports. If you gave her the ball, you could expect a major or minor injuries.
-No thanks, I hasten to .- the rider had sent him a smile of apology-"So much thought has wystarczyć'-
At home, as she expected, she found no one. On the fridge hung a piece of paper with this information here: "I go to class weaving. Then I have a meeting with Phil. I do not know where I'll be back, I kiss my mother. "
- 'And who else could write a postcard?" - She thought with amusement-' Since my mother went out to dinner I would not do, and so will not be back before noon. "
Bella odgrzała a casserole last night and began to eat, scalding themselves on the occasion of the language. Then he went to his room with the intent to make up for lessons. When pulled out a book passed fancy her whole hand as gone. Not knowing what to do, she took a wallet, keys and left.
friends she walked the streets of Phoenix plunged in meditation on a specific subject is not closer. She was so busy I did not even noticed that it stopped in front of your favorite bookstore. After a moment she awoke to with astonishment and said that from a good minute staring at the cover of the book put up for exhibition. It was a small, thick book with silver title
- "Full Moon" - she whispered, and suddenly she felt compelled to make a purchase. She stepped from the threshold, and welcomed her sonorous voice of Mrs. Sanders. Anna is a petite brunette Sanders in middle age. The dark hair intertwined in a long braid. Green eyes seemed to penetrate deep into the soul of each of customers. Bookstore was already a long time. Bella first came here when she was ten years old. During summer vacation, bored her terribly. So my mother sent her for a walk. Books old and new, large and small, with pictures and without, caught her attention, so decided to enter. From that moment she became a frequent visitor at the store.
-Hello Bello! What are you doing? Once upon a time I do not odwiedzałaś.-reproach with a slight woman looked at the girl. Fortunately, the woman could not be angry for a long time and a smile of apology was enough.
-Sorry, I was recently a lot of głowie.-and she began to talk about their problems and dreams, curled into a ball of old and worn, but having its own charm armchair. It was nice to talk with someone who really listens, in a cozy and cool interior. At one point the conversation was interrupted by bell, announcing the arrival of the client. Bella turned around and froze. It was Sophie, but this is not normal, Sophie School. Black skirt, gothic corset and bracelets and pendants weight did electrifying impression.
-Sorry if I interfered, but I would buy a book from wystawy.-pobrzmiewała in her voice a note of mystery.
-already give.
-STOP, I wanted to buy it. That is to say, so I went. Sophie, what is?
where the girl stood before, but the pupils have increased twice and the hair naelektryzowały. The whole scene lasted about two or three seconds.
-Hmm ... interesting. Bello, you buy it. And then we go to mnie.-said it in a tone that it was impossible to refuse.
Shocked I paid and went obediently. I caught up with her on the corner.
-What was that?
-CO was supposed to be?
-To the store?
-I do not know what you mean. Let's get done about the tan.
We walked on in silence.
Room Sophie seemed to be quite normal. Furniture, blue walls, dozing in a chair sweet black cat. However, this tempestuous quite normal view mirror in a carved giant frame, occupying almost the entire space between the desk and bed. Before she came to him, the owner has obscured them a black veil.
-water, juice or cola?
-Maybe a little water.-Bella sat down on the bed. Cat's eye opened slowly and looked at the girl. After a while, jumped from his chair and began to rub against her legs.
-Salem-Sophie loved you materialized in the room did not know when. Or maybe it did not notice the arrival of Bella, I was so absorbed in meditation on strange behavior przyjaciółki.-Please, your cup.
-scared me-she whispered
-sorry. What do we do?
-I do not know. Do you have any idea?
-Of course I am. Give a book .- After a while she held a copy of the dłoniach.-Wróżymy
-Say what?
-Wróżymy-perliście Sophie laughed, then asked incredulous-Never wróżyłaś? Close your eyes and think of a number from 4 to ... 650.
almost palpable in the air became and magic atmosphere of expectation. Come Bella never believed in such nonsense, this time she had to admit that she was willing to believe in everything that it will Sophie. I think this is the room just in her work. She could not otherwise be explained.
-now point to a sentence. Just do not open your eyes! - For a moment there was silence. Tension reached its zenith.
-Oh ... Bello, Bello look!
-What happened? "- Sophie pointed to a sentence in the book.
"I fell in love with a vampire in her and she in him and remained together for ever, and knowing the taste of forbidden love with a force of great adversity overcame all kinds of"
Bella stared at the quote, but nothing to not touched by it. In my head rattled up just three words "vampire, love, forever." Suddenly, there was only darkness. She fainted.
-Bello, how do you feel?
-Co ... What happened?
-faint. But do not worry about anything. Better yet?
-Yes. I have to go home. Mama.
quickly thanked for the successful afternoon, said goodbye and ran to the house. Throughout the evening trying to forget the words of the book that the rest left with a friend and did not intend to ask for a refund. After a restless night's sleep, she could not understand so why worry. After all, it's just silly fun.
It was an evening just after the dramatic foray into Port Angeles. Edward, who proved to be a vampire barely saved me from certain death, or at least the horrible experiences. I was going to bed, like deja vu when you came back some memories of a few good years.
"I fell in love with a vampire in her and she in him and remained together for ever, and knowing the taste of forbidden love with great strength to defeat all kinds of adversity "
This quote stood before my eyes like I was reading the printed text. For a moment I could not move any muscle. Only after a while came to his senses.
-Had Edward I was destined to last forever? - Smiled to herself.
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