Friday, October 15, 2010

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Zadrutowani Nomads

"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and Those Who Do not" Unknown Geek

A long time ago under the czytadła travel on a bus I would take with them books to Cyberpunk 2020. First
surprised me acumen authors. As for the game created in 1990 (so already 20 years ago!), Many aspects of daily life has already been long anticipated.
The only thing is sometimes if the authors tentatively proposed changes, fearing that too much to not go forward with imagination.

Cyberpunk 2020 - The average phone is the size of a pack of cigarettes, the range is even to 20 km outside the city !
Reality 2010 - the phone basically agree, only coverage is much larger because the theory in any civilized place

Cyberpunk 2020 - artificial hands, legs, eyes. Virtually every part of man has its counterpart artificial, fully acting and mapping of natural faithful action of arm or leg. Cloning body parts is common and acceptable. Nanorobots circulate in the blood of man repairing it "from inside".
Reality 2010 - artificial hands, legs, eyes. The only thing is, not as much progress as in the game. Cloning is, though, if not universal, and, like human cloning is prohibited. Nanorobots do not yet exist, but they are already working on machines built from atoms. But we have 10 years to catch up with the invention of the authors. AI Artificial

and works
Cyberpunk 2020 - Robots are fairly common, but what's the best artist do not provide a large role in the militarization. AI in cyberspace is quite frequent (as the guardian of your important data.)
Reality 2010 - works around us, are in factories and coffee vending machines. The level of complexity is obviously much smaller, but the Japanese insist create another artificial people achieving even better results (mainly women, perverts;)). As for the AI \u200b\u200band the computer can win at chess, but full of AI, learner etc. to caress the future.

Cyberspace Cyberpunk 2020 - virtual reality, neural connections, death as a result of fighting hackers.
Reality 2010 - virtual reality is there but so far no knocks quality, but we have a network and cyberspace, the authors reveal wider than it seemed. For now, you can not kill someone by computer, but several people have already died from hunger and exhaustion at the computer.

Cyberpunk 2020 - an important feature of cyberpunk. Shedding of the validity of the governments' for the corporation. Style of governance, the maintenance of private armies by the company.
Reality 2010 - Apparently we did not order anarchy. But nearly omnipotent corporations already are. There are companies whose revenue to the budget as smaller countries. The corporate culture of your rat race and white collars, it is. So far, corporations have no private army, which bombard the city. For now ...

So I think first of Euro 2012 and then Cyberpunk 2020:) At this rate of progress it will develop peacefully for 10 years to catch up with the vision of artists. Or, knowing the force of this vision przegonimy. What is with some apprehension myself and I wish you. I always wanted to have power armor: D (for example, such )


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