Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buy Ablue Tongue Skink


There was to be quoted but not my idea. Goblin

Totally not forgiven a bit of time. But only slightly. It is true that I am temporarily "vacation" or lack of school at the weekend but the work I unfortunately still valid.

For this to become mega Mzone had a great idea to make repairs. The initial idea was simple. Windowsy's install a new (these large plastic). Gentlemen, come and install them one day.
That was the easy part. Then came
overhaul in two rooms (the bedroom and called. Kitchen.) Forging tiles, stripping old plaster and our nightmare - stripping wallpaper. I do not know what drove the previous owners but the wallpaper on the ceiling is not a good idea. No more.
Nothing, we are in the process. Temporarily living in a dorm like, in one room we have a bed, TV and refrigerator. Perfection: p

As soon as I throw the camera looking up pictures of the rubble ...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Groping Pain Upper Abdomen Few Seconds

Bali Indonesia Yogyakarta

train route turned out to be quite friendly - the train was in our class skm'ki mounted with the ceiling fan in the toilet water was also totally acceptable. Door in the range were open the whole time, which gave the opportunity to admire the views, but had to be careful not to wylatac of the car. But it was one thing with separate This way of - there was absolutely second in which there passed out for any vendor-product offering, starting from artistic performances, beggars, clothes (!), Interior, cushions, springing for all kinds of food, warm drinks cold and snacks - fruit, vegetables, meals ready to heat or instant-word during 9h trip before our eyes had been established Niezly hipertmarket:) and the window is beautifull rozpozcieral Indonesian landscape of rice fields, rivers, forests and very lush greenery. After reaching the Yogya we went to find accommodation and visit the surrounding area. Town mile surprised us, there was no crowd and dirt from the well-known Jakarta, was for a street on which set Maliboro are souvenir stalls, and Matchstick Men who invite us to a gallery batik'ow (no one needs and very expensive clothes ornamental). The next day we rented a motorcycle - do not guess Whose idea? I will not elaborate on how to conduct vehicle in this chaos, I'll only punching through the city in traffic between the m-rickshaws, carriages, cars is a challenge and requires 200% concentration. Using a motorcycle drove a few kilometers outside the city to the temple of Prambanan, who has not had done us a great impression - that's a big piece of ancient concrete. Then we went to Parangtritis-called inflammation of the throat by us-who is to your Seat Yogyakarczykow for the weekend - even though it is over the ocean can not swim in it, because the big waves and rocks caused by that would be our last bath. Rekonensans again this morning, we went to a nearby hospital - such small deviation unions - where Basia wparowala the Treatment rooms, causing confusion and smile doctors. Generally We were treated very nice escaped in August even though everyone who knew two words in English. We wanted to see a doctor who speaks English, to name a few sentences. Unfortunately, an internist on behalf of an unspecified closer Pang? who reportedly spoke in English, rather, belonged to this group who knows the two words. Our conversation with him reminded me of my egamin of internal medicine - that is a question and embarrassing silence, the sweat on his forehead, looking for something in my head, and silence again. There we learned exactly nothing tymniemniej hospital quite pleasant and clean air-conditioned. Besides nice times, the natives are very friendly, smiling very widely, even though the state of their teeth is often blisku zero, are helpful (you can ride around the city without enough GPS pointing ask someone on a motorbike on way-he piloted us to the desired location), eating delicious fruit, I admire the whole range of savory dishes, Basia and continue them fruit. Another aim of the Temple of Borobudur at sunrise. What's next-we do not know exactly, but they are the most important holidays:) I threw a few photos - klick!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extra Strong Deodorant


last day in Kuala Lumpur has passed rather idyllic. Morning, we got to our rented red convertible on the day, who obwozil most interesting places us in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately it was not only a sports car with trimmed doubbledecker bus roof, but it was nice. We got to the airport as planned, the local money has been for us approx 1.40 PLN and arranged a contest to see who buys the airport, "something" for that amount. Then gently delayed flight to Jakarta from Kuala. Indonesia welcomed us with obligatory visa for 25USD and a mega-huge queue for check-in we have been waiting a lot of time (see GALLERY ). After leaving the airport and away from a million opedzeniu touts the "cheap" taxi we got on the bus at the border and we went in search of dehydration hostel street JJ.Jaksa-described in the guide as the ghetto backpersow. Unfortunately the guide is not the fact of overpopulation uwzlednil ow ghetto and after an hour searching (we zapronowany was smelly and damp room where no one could withstand even a moment for 33pln) we got totally Tired midrange hotel for about 70PLN - these conditions This estate. Room quite bearable, if not for the fact that the shower faucet and handle of the door to a toilet after an attempt has been turning in my hands. But peace has been replaced, the second in which only the air conditioning had acted in time for yourself known. This morning we hit to a cheaper hostel, 35 in ktorum conditions are undoubtedly better and more affordable price. Jakarta in the category of Asian shit gets 5 stars and was unanimously hailed by us najobrzydliwszym city in which we were. When the rats run around the streets, so be careful when it comes to flip-flops in August, a pedestrian passage just does not exist and pass through the streets like a game of "frog" which przeskakiwalo August through the streets to the other side would not be rozjechanym - here this game is realtime 3d but there is only one life. The stench of smoke is so huge that I as a two-stroke exhaust fan I have had enough of the smell (not counting the tuktuk flavor). If you are talking about tuktuku (skrzyrzowanie scooter and park benches covered with tarpaulin) is a small ride zaserwowalismy this measure TRANSPORT ektremalnym after which Barbara and I came home upset delighted:) Other things (besides the current hostel) We welcome zakoczyla who is a "tourist information" which housed in a building, the likes of Marriott, and the city of poverty and shit, quite unnatural. We also quite unnaturally wyfgladalismy going to the elegant skyscraper in flip-flops - at reaching the floor in 1910 we have been very nice to be serviced by two men in suits, we got 2kg books maps and gadgets. Tomorrow typhus leave Jakarta and Yogyakarta choose to train Class 2, all of us who absolutely discouraged. But we have a distaste for the expensive hotel last night and we need to repent car driving by in an animal? We'll see tomorrow. Not recommended Regards and Jakarta;)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Colour Walls For Navy And White Linen

Welcome to Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok

Trip to Bangkok was quite nice, second-class sleeper car - full wypass, air conditioning clean linen - pkp is nothing zazdroscic.Rano Breakfast: muffins with coffee and after we got ride 14h the Thai-Malaysian border. We were told to leave the train and head for home - We gave and we got Thai Malaysian visa. We learned that the train has such a long delay (?), With a further part of the trip kontunuowac bus. That was what happened, we went to the air-conditioned bus Butteworth. During the trip she asked Barbara if everything we have and if I have a mobile phone with one another? It is not difficult to guess what was the answer. Yes, I left the phone charging in the power socket on the train, near the bucket. I would add only that the train went knows where, and contact in English with the natives is the least difficult. Nevertheless, the whole affair, first explaining the employee KTM (railway) then chiefowi (with nieustabilizowanymi teeth) managed to recover my phone, who came 5h after our arrival to Butteworth - eskpresem to Singapore. Unbelievable! In Poland, perished in the 10s! Butteworth a terrible hole - a city with a huge industrial container terminal, so we decided to not stayed no sense (especially with the hotel, a tad better than the class of sleeping under the bridge cost the 50PLN-fixed price) - so we got to the bus station, where the subtle in these pages - hours after we moved to Kuala Lumpur. Night at the horrrrorr przeklimatyzowanym coach! In the middle was minus 20 degrees, Basia frozen in time travel, I tried to fight the unsealed air-conditioner using curtains. But I lost the air conditioner all night and was surfing on our faces arctic blast of air. After 4.5 h in polar climates we got to Kuala Lumpur. To the station in Kuala Lumpur, from which the only escape was a taxi. After a long search we found have a nice taxi driver who used the taximeter-what is in these pages, a rarity. Threw us to Chinatown, where we found quite a nice hostel with a night in the dormitory cost us a total of 22pln (the hotel next door 150pln). About 5 am, after the first haunted during this trip we went to the shower deserved sleep. We woke up the morning of 12;) and we went to the roof for breakfast and nasty coffee. Then the Tour - China Town is very charming color and kitsch - and then Bird Park - the world's largest bird park, where it comes up next to be Flying birds of brilliant colors. Basi liked very much. I also, but minej very much. For Picasso threw a few pictures from the trip: So far, so tomorrow in Kuala dzien2, the day after the plane to Jakarta. Keep in touch!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Haro F1c Purple Weight


After a long search, we managed to get tickets for the only train to the south of oblique crooks. Us a little trimming, but when the counter has no tickets have to reckon with this fact. I got behind the first dining experience with street-food chicken rice delay in the company of dried fish and hot sauce-all for 3złote:) sit with coffee and wait for the train-tomorrow we will be Buteworth or Malaysia. We're awfully tired of the journey, our stomachs to digest junk do not throw in a dream of having our heads przytuleniu pillows ..